Well hello there. Fancy meeting you here! While you're here, I'd like to show you a few pictures I just took. You know how I'm all talented and shit with phonography, right? Well, you're about to find out.
I call this one "Minneapolis Is Bright". Yes, I capitalized all the first letters for a reason. Gawd, you don't understand my art at all. I honestly think you might be mentally handicapped, that's how much you don't understand me. Ok, moving right along.
This is my homage to Bill Cosby. I call it "Ghost Chad". I was going to call it "Funny Black Guy on a Building Top", but I reserve that for when I finally get a fanpic of Steve Harvey. Weird, I just learned that if you click the picture, it comes up full size. It really has been a long time since I've used blogger, huh?
Compression can bite me.
Love the photos man, looks like they were taken from a rooftop? Your new place? I love our skyline. Cool how the WF Tower reflects off of the IDS Building.
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