Pokerama-rama! Now with more beer!

Beer, brewing and poker, with possibly some inane drivel on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New year, many changes. Well, for a myriad of other people that deserve it. Kudos to each and every one of y'all for the new blogging locales. I wanted to give you props, too, but that's downright gay.

The only downside of all of this, albeit a bit selfish on my part, is the increased amount of blogline feeds I have to read. I am perched precariously--but not really--above 100 feeds, and my time seems stretched thin as is. It looks like I'll have to give up internet porn just to keep up.

Does anyone actually buy magazines and DVDS anymore? I can't imagine.

I know you're dying to know how my New Year's Eve went, right? I know my audience.

I spent 8 hours on NYE parking cars. Car after car after car. Repeat as necessary. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, though. True, staying at home drinking good beer would've been my first option, but come the end of the night, I know I was in a better spot than 90% of people who were able to go out.

I'd much rather work and make money than be the girl that was so drunk that she could do nothing other than slump on the cold sidewalk in a feeble attempt to not puke on herself. When I first saw her, she had some friends taking care of her. A few hours later, though, she was alone and about to get hauled away in the drunkmobile. I'm positive "open bar" sounds like a terrible idea right about now.

I saw someone clearly suffering from a Napoleon complex with a heapin' helpin' of roid rage get tazered by a police officer. He got kicked out of the party for trying to fight his friend, and when he was asked to leave, he tried to fight four security guards. The police were called and he was removed. When it looked like he had finally calmed down, he exploded again and started choking his friend. I was lucky enough to be stopped at a red light when the cop aimed his flashlight at him, ultimately tazering him from behind.

If you've never seen someone--that clearly deserves it--get tazed, you're missing out.

He let out a loud, gutteral "Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh", tensed, and dropped onto the sidewalk with a loud thud. I laughed.

I'm not sure which is more worse; the type of person with so much anger that they want to punch a hole in their friend's face, or the person that keeps that asshole as a friend.

I finished work at 3am, stuck around near the back of the restaurant taking advantage of an open bar of my own. I finally got home at 4:30am and fell asleep around 5:30am, happy with the notion that I'd be able to wake up the next day not feeling like I'd drained, and was subsequently hit in the chest by, a 1/4 barrel of The Beast. Ice, of course.
On the poker front, there's not much to talk about. I've been playing a little bit, and if you'll allow, I'll say that I've been playing fucking awesome tournament poker. I've won $25k in the past month!

I wish.

Subtract 3 zeros and that's closer to the correct number. That's not a big deal, though, as it was never my intention to make money over the past year from playing poker. I'd like to change that. I'd also like to utilize this space, and others, more, but that's like asking beer to fall from the sky.


At 8:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

At least you won't have a can fall on your head from admitting you had a Sangria on NYE.

In full disclaimer, there was vodka added at least.


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